This IS our Faith… What has long begun continues  Lesson #10 to be mailed June 30th. 2019

This IS our Faith…

What has long begun continues

 Lesson #10 to be mailed June 30th. 2019

The Beauty, the Majesty, the Glory, & the Mystery encased in the Wonder and Awe of our Catholic Faith which is the original “Christian” Faith that Jesus Personally established and Promises to remain  with exclusively and forever: “and behold I am with “YOU” all days, even to the consummation of the world”. Mt. 28:18-20 …How very Blessed we are.

Psalms 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7

From all their distress God rescues the just.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. From all their distress God rescues the just.
Glorify the LORD with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R. From all their distress God rescues the just.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R. From all their distress God rescues the just.

 Mt 5:3 Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
 An Invitation to the “Dance” (part 3 of 3)

This week’s Lesson is:Those pesky “ones”: One true God; One True Faith and this week One True Church.

(Please see the Bishop Barron’s OFFER of a FREE Apoplectics Course at the end of this lesson)  

          Lesson #10 “One True Church” (One might ask is this only a braggadocios claim; or is their MORE to this story?)

           How does the Roman Catholic Church define the term “Church?” (From the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.) The Catechism is a 904 page book, (…hey Catholicism is 2,000 + years young) and has a great deal more to say about “church” than I am quoting below. It seems prudent for me to amplify, simplify and perhaps even clarify what I am quoting here.

 #1181 A church, “a house of prayer in which the Eucharist (Catholic Holy Communion)  is celebrated and reserved, where the faithful assemble, and where is worshipped the presence of the Son of God our Savior, offered for us on the sacrificial altar for the help and consolation of the faithful – this house ought to be in good taste and a worthy place for prayer and sacred ceremonial.” In this “house of God” the truth and the harmony of the signs that make it up should show Christ to be present and active in this place.

 #688 The Church, a communion living in the faith of the apostles which she transmits, is the place where we know the Holy Spirit:

– in the Scriptures he inspired;

– in the Tradition, to which the Church Fathers are always timely witnesses;

– in the Church’s Magisterium, which he assists;

– in the sacramental liturgy, through its words and symbols, in which the Holy Spirit puts us into communion with Christ;

– in prayer, wherein he intercedes for us;

– in the charisms and ministries by which the Church is built up;

– in the signs of apostolic and missionary life; – in the witness of saints through whom he manifests his holiness and continues the work of salvation

 #795 Christ and his Church thus together make up the “whole Christ” (Christus totus). The Church is one with Christ. The saints are acutely aware of this unity:

Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Do you understand and grasp, brethren, God’s grace toward us? Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ. For if he is the head, we are the members; he and we together are the whole man. . . . The fullness of Christ then is the head and the members. But what does “head and members” mean? Christ and the Church.

Our redeemer has shown himself to be one person with the holy Church whom he has taken to himself.

Head and members form as it were one and the same mystical person.

A reply of St. Joan of Arc to her judges sums up the faith of the holy doctors and the good sense of the believer: “About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they’re just one thing, and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.”

#811 “This is the sole Church of Christ, which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” These four characteristics, inseparably linked with each other, indicate essential features of the Church and her mission. The Church does not possess them of herself; it is Christ who, through the Holy Spirit, makes his Church one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, and it is he who calls her to realize each of these qualities

#1074 “The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows.” It is therefore the privileged place for catechizing the People of God. “Catechesis is intrinsically linked with the whole of liturgical and sacramental activity, for it is in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist, that Christ Jesus works in fullness for the transformation of men.”

#1324 The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (And consequently also of the multiplicity of ALL non-Catholic Christian religions, as they, One and ALL flow from and through the Roman Catholic Church. FACT: No “Catholic Church = no “Christianity.”)  …“The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of” the Church”, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.” (Means “Sacrifice”)

#1380 It is highly fitting that Christ should have wanted to remain present to his Church in this unique way. Since Christ was about to take his departure from his own in his visible form, he wanted to give us his sacramental presence; (REALLY Truly and Substanually;;y) since he was about to offer himself on the cross to save us, he wanted us to have the memorial of the love with which he loved us “to the end,” even to the giving of his life. In his Eucharistic presence he remains mysteriously in our midst as the one who loved us and gave himself up for us, and he remains under signs that express and communicate this love:

The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease. End Catechism Quotes

           The term “church” in today’s usage has multiple meanings; such as the “church building”; “the people” (we are church) who attend a particular “church,” each “church” with a self-identification based upon their freely chosen faith-beliefs”, unique to that particular “church”; so if asked “what church do you attend”; a reply of “……Catholic Church”, or “such and such Baptist church”, or the “…..Methodist church”; one can at least assume to know their faith beliefs.

          It is the reality of historical evidence that a search of the history of Christianity will prove that the RCC, (if the author of this history is Objective); which is not always the case, is indeed the very, and the only “Church” desired; established and protected by GOD Himself. Which we will provide the biblical evidence of. But please don’t take my word for it; check these sites out for yourself:

           Objective historical evidence proves indisputably; for example (Our calendar is dated in “AD” meaning “after the death of Jesus”; and time prior to Jesus is referred to as “BC”; meaning “before Christ.” Such was the historical significance of GOD’s Incarnation and insertion into human history.

          Keep in mind as we progress though this that all “churches” are now commonly self-identified by their freely chosen set of “faith beliefs”; the bitter fruit of Martin Luther’s proclamation to “BE YOUR OWN PRIEST!”  … Take a cautionary note of the fact that as the Bible is a “Catholic Book” and every single reference to “church” or “churches” means “Catholic Church’s” as Catholicism was the only form of Christianity when the Bible was fully authored. (A critical point that must be made.)

           Jesus came to complete what Yahweh for 2,000 years attempted to accomplish with limited success; even after a history of culling; a carving out of the worlds human population, His One “Chosen People”, the Hebrew Nation, notably singular. Dramatically setting the world stage for the critical identification of singular tense terms in His Bible.

           Yahweh’s three “Ones” (just one True God; Faith and People; later to be changed by Jesus to “My Church” (Mt. 16:18), was the bedrock of the Faith Yahweh and the authenticities’ of what Yahweh was trying to impose. Yes “impose” is the proper word for it. At this time in world history the offspring of Adam and Eve had OFF-SPRUNG so that everyone had their own god’s (plural) which constantly changed as these man made god’s failed them time and time again. But old habits Die-HARD! And it was a weaning process of about 2,000 years, with alternating successes and failures. It seems about every time Yahweh tested them; they failed Despite God providing Prophets, Judges, Kings and more prophets came and each generation seemed to confidently feel that THEY did know more, and did know better than everyone sent by GOD to guide them. (Does this sound familiar to anyone?)

          It was through Yahweh’s remarkable, personal relationship with Moses that the Commandments, Manna, The Priesthood, the Ark of the Covenant, the Meeting tent, (precursor to a “church”), Bread “of Presence”; rituals, specified wardrobes for His Priest,  and Feat days, pertaining to the Worship of One God, By One People, with just One Faith took form and gained meaningful traction. The degree of God’s involvement on a personal level with Moses (foretelling Christ desired relationship with each one of us), at least made clear and evident God’s expectations for His One Chosen People by demanding just One True God and One True Faith.. With the demise of Moses, the chosen people quickly reverted back to what was more convenient; more personally appealing and made them “feel good about themselves.”(Me, Me ME! not GOD!; GOD! GOD!) Then despite God giving them The Judges (they DEMANDED Kings; though warned against them); kings, (David being the exception) , and God-Inspired- prophets who were largely ignored, until the long awaited Prophesized Messiah’s coming was fulfilled by Jesus. (Luke 1: 1-51). While unacknowledged in the Protestant community; there exist Zip, Zero, None, not one piece of biblical or historical evidence that shows that Yahweh was ever tolerate of any competition faiths or religions. But be careful here; this reality has to be approached carefully and with charity. Their inability to rightly comprehend this fact is a God imposed penalty for their hard-heartedness; and this is a very sensitive area, and we need to not accuse; but only explain the facts here.

          Why then is what Jesus came to accomplish so difficult for so many to comprehend, despite the abundance of historical and Biblical evidence? (That’s a rhetorical question we have answered in the past. GOD actually blocks their ability to grasp His Truths until they turn towards the Jesus, seeking His Truth,  in humility.) Jesus and Yahweh are the SAME-God; of the same “mind” with the same; but now a perfected agenda through the Sacraments, of which there are seven instituted by Christ, which are a means of grace, and aids t our salvation, never made available, not known in the Old Testament times. This is what is so amazing about the task entrusted to us; and why we cannot do it alone. Come Holy Spirit COME! Sacramental grace is  key to right Catholic understanding.

          The significance of two words, missed, overlooked, or perhaps even denied by a few (How dumb is that?), in what is  so clearly expressed that I will quote them from the King James Bible. Matthew 16: 18:

King James Version w/ Apocrypha

Matthew 16:18

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

King James Version

Matthew 16:18

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

          Personally here; I marvel, being in AWE of God’s Power and sense of Justice. How can anyone reading the bible NOT pick up on the significance of these two words? Both words obviously singular tense in meaning and application. Both words in context being direct and exclusive to His Apostles. If in doubt lookup Matthew 10: 1-8 and Matthew 28: 18-20. A bit of a personal confession here: I have wondered a time or two if perhaps the “hellabelloo” so often raised about the “ROCK”, (Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Greek where “Peter” can only be translated as “ROCK”… ends that discussion)  is perhaps a subterfuge by some so that those two words don’t pop-out and ring TRUE? .. “Just saying.”

           Then brace yourself for what my sister once told me when I was explaining to her when she had asked me about sin forgiveness (John 20:19-23); which I read to her from her own King James bible: … “Well that may be what it says BUT that’s NOT what it means.” And when I asked her; “well then what does it mean”, she replied “I don’t know BUT THAT is NOT!!!!!! What it means and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” God Bless her!!!!!! We remained much loved, BEST of friend’s right up to her passing.

          Having gotten this far we will now switch to a different emphasis of the same reality. What is the purpose of “the Church”; what is the Mission of the “the Church?” (Of any church really.  … It is to Know God’s Truths and then to share and explain them Objectively, Fully, Truly and then to evidence them. And this dear friends is where the “wheat” gets separated from the chaff. We term it “Sacred Liturgy”, while they term it “a Service.”… What’s the critical difference?

          Several key differences come quickly to my mind. Our Catholic “focus” is a rifle shot; while Protestantism in (MY personal opinion and observation here based upon watching many Protestant services on TV as part of my own education process.)seem to employee a “shotgun” approach. It seems to me that due mostly to the ever growing number of Protestant churches; each self- identified by its own set of faith beliefs; that pleasing his congregation has to be a Pastors top priority. The more people HE CAN PLEASE the larger is his congregation. In a real sense then there is a constant fight; an inherent tension between pleasing and teaching “the Word”.  What is shared and HOW it is shared has to be carefully crafted and then orchestrated so as to not offend and still try to share God’s truths as THEY understand it. One assumes their “completely satisfied rate” iis quite high given the ever increasing number of new churches. Catholics don’t have room to brag here either; despite the Mass having a 2,000 year, largely unchanged history; the Post Vatican II unwanted by Rome; actually FORCED on Rome,  innovations with a “now” newer empathies on “people involvement”, as opposed to the previous generations a singular God-Focused Sacred Liturgy has sent many flooding out Her doors too. (But that’s a separate conversation.) The “We gotta like in plague” like Satan’s SMOKE has filled the RCC too.) While many can still “breath (believe), others not so much due to poor catechesis. Because they DON”T grasp that it is GOD in their midst; abandoning HIM, based on Protestant philosophies of Catholic Holy Communion being ONLY a sign, a symbol, a pretending to be. Oh how sadly misinformed hey all are. Again personably (ME here), I cannot grasp that any Catholic could or would abandon Christ if they were rightly instructed on the Catholic Faith.) 

           To a lesser degree this should not be as likely to be true in Catholic Worship If and when, (which is on rarer occasions since Vatican II), the Catholic Faith is actually, truthfully and FULLY taught. The reality is this has not widely been the norm in the past 50 years because catholics in name only are now a huge popularion. NOT actually knowing what we believe, much less how and WHY we can believe it; often find it old fashioned and boring. So our exodus IS a self-inflicted ignorance fed by the stupidity of many who are offered the grace to know better; (led by many clerics who are offered even more grace and seemingly reject it,  and are followed by even more laity at GREAT risk to their Souls and the Souls of the failed teachers GOD has chosen and appointed. (Dear LORD Mercy!)

          So why the differences and how can it be proven? Catholic worship as the NORM is most commonly associated with the Mass. The “Mass” is also termed the “Sacred Liturgy” (And was first known as “Breaking of the Bread”… Acts 2:42) WHY? Because Catholics HAVE; “Really, Truly and Substanually Jesus Christ in Person in every Catholic Church throughout the world. (SADLY THIS IS A WIDE SPREAD SECRECT THESE DAYS), OOPS I MUST NOT get off topic here and prove this; but suffice it to say this is testified to by Four different New Testament Authors; Matthew, John, Peter, and Paul, and lived and taught by all the other Apostles as well and of course Jesus Himself who all testify to its truth and none of whom can lie. Cannot Jesus (GOD) do any “good thing?” And if it is true (AND IT IS) this would be the GREATEST of all possible good things.   … THINK about THAT.) No better, no greater reason exist to be an Informed fully practicing Roman Catholic than this as over 1 BILLION worldwide Catholics can attest too.

          Our focus is, or at least ought to be GOD-Centered- Divine Worship. We Catholics ARE quite literally; in the Presence of our Creator-God. While Protestants have to hope for the “Spirit of God”, which too is a good thing; but which is thee “Greater Good?” Being in God’s Spiritual Presence or being actually present WITH GOD in Person? That is quite the Profound-difference.

          Consequently the entire Liturgy evolves and is lived-out around this reality; and pleasing the congregation takes a FAR-back-set, knowing that we are with God and He is truly with us. Protestants have two focuses: pleasing their congregations and at the same time trying to make the Spirit of God present to them.


          It’s an amazing historical fact that the basic form of the Mass/ Sacred Liturgy has remained largely unchanged since at least the second Century; and this is attested to by the Bible: (The Original term for today’s “Mass” was the” breaking of the Bread”; which evolved over time into today’s “Mass.” Similar to “The WAY” (The first name of “Christians”) … Acts.9:[2] and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.; Acts.19: [23] About that time there arose no little stir concerning the Way.; Acts.24: [14] But this I admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect …

           “The Way” later became “Christian’s” (Acts 11:26); and still later; this term in about the year 105 (shortly after the bible had been fully authored, the term “Christians” evolved to “Catholics. (Meaning Universal/ worldwide) ”. First used by St. Ignatius of Antioch (A.D. 35-107) (Letter to the Smyrneans, 8, 2).”

                Even the Bible testifies to the Early Church use of the “Mass” … Known at first as “The Breaking of the Bread.” Acts 2: 41-42[41] They therefore that received his word, were baptized; and there were added in that day about three thousand souls. [42] And they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles, and in the communication of the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” (Secular history recounts that many thousands gave their very life’s in the most brutal and grotesque ways because of their unwavering belief in this reality.

          This is further testified to historically as the Catechism recounts:

CCC #1345

  1. The Liturgical Celebration of the Eucharist

The Mass of all ages

1345 “As early as the second century we have the witness of St. Justin Martyr for the basic lines of the order of the Eucharistic celebration. They have stayed the same until our own day for all the great liturgical families. St. Justin wrote to the pagan emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161) around the year 155, explaining what Christians did:

On the day we call the day of the sun, all who dwell in the city or country gather in the same place.
The memoirs of the apostles and the writings of the prophets are read, as much as time permits.
When the reader has finished, he who presides over those gathered admonishes and challenges them to imitate these beautiful things.
Then we all rise together and offer prayers* for ourselves . . .and for all others, wherever they may be, so that we may be found righteous by our life and actions, and faithful to the commandments, so as to obtain eternal salvation.
When the prayers are concluded we exchange the kiss.
Then someone brings bread and a cup of water and wine mixed together to him who presides over the brethren.
He takes them and offers praise and glory to the Father of the universe, through the name of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit and for a considerable time he gives thanks (in Greek: eucharistian) that we have been judged worthy of these gifts.
When he has concluded the prayers and thanksgivings, all present give voice to an acclamation by saying: ‘Amen.’  (I DO Believe it!)
When he who presides has given thanks and the people have responded, those whom we call deacons give to those present the “eucharisted” bread, wine and water and take them to those who are absent.” End Quoted

Astoundingly; the original format of the “Mass” is still largely in place and used throughout the Catholic World even today. So much so that Catholics everywhere would recognize the Mass in other countries.

How important is this? The Catechism expresses it well:

The Eucharist – Source and Summit of Ecclesial Life

1324 The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” “The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.” (Our Sacrifice)

1326 Finally, by the Eucharistic celebration we already unite ourselves with the heavenly liturgy and anticipate eternal life, when God will be all in all.

1327 In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith: “Our way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms our way of thinking.”

          Is there Biblical Evidence of just One Church (continued Belief in One True God with just One True Faith?) Let’s look at just a bit of the evidence, some of it explicit beyond doubt; others passages requiring perhaps God’s Grace of Faith to be able to comprehend this singular truth.  I’m sharing bits of each to test your faith and demonstrate the complexity to be expected in being enables to have a right understanding of  the Bible; which is precisely why Jesus and Yahweh choose “just one/people /Church; in order to lessen the possibilities of “others” teaching in error or ignorance.

  1. Acts 8:1[1]And at that time there was raised a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all dispersed through the countries of Judea, and Samaria, except the apostles.” (Again please keep in mind that Biblically every mention of “church” or “churches references todays Roman Catholic Church, as it would be nearly a thousand years 1054  AD and the “Great Eastern Schism for ANY competition Christian Churches to come into existence.) Wemust always keep in mind that the Bible is a Catholic book, originally authored and assembled by Catholics and exclusively for Catholics; who were the only Christians to exist on planet earth when it was fully authored; and who very unlikely were able to foresee the 11th century Eastern Schism and the 16th century Protestant revolt.

 Acts 12:1[1]“And at the same time, Herod the king stretched forth his hands, to afflict some of the church.”

 1 Cor. 1: 2 [2]To the church of God that is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that invoke the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in every place of theirs and ours.” 

 3:10[10]That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places through the church,

 2: 20-22[20] Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone: [21] In whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord. [22] In whom you also are built together into an habitation of God in the Spirit. (All singular tense).

  1. Acts 20:28[28]Take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
  2. James 5:14-15[14]Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. [15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man: and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.”
  3. 7:24-27 “ [24]Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock[25] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock.[26] And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand[27] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof.”
  4. 10: 1-8[1]And having called his twelve disciples together, he gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of diseases, and all manner of infirmities. [2] And the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, [3] James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, [4]Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. [5] These twelve Jesus sent: commanding them, saying: Go ye not into the way of the Gentiles, and into the city of the Samaritans enter ye not.[6] But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. [7] And going, preach, saying: The kingdom of heaven is at hand. [8] Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils: freely have you received, freely give.”
  • John 17: 17-25 [17]Sanctify them in (MY) truth. (And because this is a prayer of Jesus who too is God; it cannot be denied) Thy word is truth. [18]As thou hast sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world[19] And for them do I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in (MY) truth[20] And not for them only do I pray, but for them also who through their word shall believe in me; [21] That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.[22] And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, as we also are one[23] I in them, and thou in me; that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me. [24] Father, I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me; that they may see my glory which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the creation of the world. [25] Just Father, the world hath not known thee; but I have known thee: and these have known that thou hast sent me.”


  • 28:16-20 [16]And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them.[17] And seeing him they adored: but some doubted. [18] And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. [19] Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.

DOUAY Bible Explanation: [18] “All power: See here the warrant and commission of the apostles and their successors, the bishops and pastors of Christ’s church. He received from his Father all power in heaven and in earth: and in virtue of this power, he sends them (even as his Father sent him, St. John 20. 21) to teach and disciple, not one, but all nations; and instruct them in all truths: and that he may assist them effectually in the execution of this commission, he promises to be with them, not for three or four hundred years only, but all days, even to the consummation of the world. How then could the Catholic Church ever go astray; having always with her pastors, as is here promised, Christ himself, who is the way, the truth, and the life. St. John 14” End Quoted

  • A succinct Refutation of Protestantism by Jesus Himself

          In its simplest form, secular history, simple-logic applied prudently (with humble prayer for the grace of Wisdom in seeking God’s truths) along with the God chosen WORDS MY Church which are clear, direct and exclusive, nullifies any and all Protestant claims of legitimacy as alternative faiths to Catholicism. By “alternate” I mean God planed, desired, established, guided and protected. I am neither saying nor even implying that other Christian faiths lack any merit; though they are “come along to get along faiths” neither desired by God; nor in the- original plan of GOD, or factually actually needed by GOD to attain His Purpose.

Matthew 28:18-20 is singular tense; direct and exclusive too His Apostles and, by necessity to their Successors. In other words; God’s clearly articulated plan and desire as He made manifest is the Roman Catholic Church.

“And Jesus came into the quarters of Caesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is? [14] But they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. [15] Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? [16] Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. [17] And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. [18] And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19]And I will give to thee (ALL of)  the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. [20] Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ.” ….. Quoted from the Catholic Douay Rheims Bible End Quotes

          I could with a bit more effort provide 20, 30 or more biblical evidences but if the quality of the evidence has not convinced you; the quantity of the evidence will make no difference.

          Dear friends we have now shared but a bit of  the Biblical evidence for One True God; Who even as GOD is capable of only One True Faith; and desires for the sake of clarity that this Truth be shared with the World that He Created, by the Only Church and Faith known desired and provable to be established directly by Jesus Christ, His One True Church: todays Catholic Church and Faith.

Eph. 2:19-22 (singular tense) “ [19] Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners; but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and the domestics of God, [20] Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone: [21] In whom all the building, (singular) being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple (singular) in the Lord. [22] In whom you also are built together into an habitation (singular) of God in the Spirit.”

Eph. 4: 2-7[2] With all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity. [3] Careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [4](Just one TRUE Church) One body (“church”) and one Spirit; as you are called in one hope of your calling. [5] One Lord, (With just One True Faith) one faith, (set of faith beliefs) one baptism. [6] One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.[7] But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ.”(You may even be able to challenge them to ask their Pastors to explain this passage to them, if it can be done with charity as every “church IS self-identified by its own set of “faith beliefs.”)

So NO, it’s not merely a “Catholic Opinion; NO, it’s a Jesus FACT. Amen

A Question if I may: Why aren’t all Christians Catholics? Perhaps this may in part explain it? Romans 9:21-23[21] Or hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump, to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [22] What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction,  [23] That he might shew the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he hath prepared unto glory?” End Quotes (A parable of Offered Grace and grace withheld.)

Please keep mind that I LOVE questions.

Psalm Ps 34:8-9, 10-11, 12-13

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. Taste and see how good the LORD is; blessed the man who takes refuge in him.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Fear the LORD, you his holy ones, for nought is lacking to those who fear him.
The great grow poor and hungry; but those who seek the LORD want for no good thing.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Come, children, hear me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Which of you desires life,
and takes delight in prosperous days?
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

James 4: 6, 10 “[6] But he giveth greater grace. Wherefore he saith: God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. [7] Be subject therefore to God, but resist the devil, and he will fly from you. [8] Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you”

          The First Commandment:

I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.

Might it be possible that this could also mean “you shall not have strange faiths in place of mine?”  OR even “other churches?” … PRAY about it.

 NEWS YOU need to know….

Does Your Parish Church Remind You Of Heaven? It Should!

Many Catholics are unaware that our traditional church buildings are based on designs given by God Himself. It goes all the way back to Mount Sinai, when God set forth the design for the sanctuary in the desert and for the tent of meeting. Many of the fundamental aspects of our layouts still follow that plan (and the stone version of it that became the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem). Traditional church buildings also have numerous references to the Book of Revelation and the Book of Hebrews, both of which describe the heavenly liturgy and Heaven itself.

The compelling effect of a traditional church is to say to the believer, you are in Heaven now.

EWTN’s “Papal Posse” criticizes working doc for Amazon Synod


WASHINGTON, D.C., June 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― The working document for the Amazon Synod has Catholics wondering if the bishops’ meeting isn’t just a sneaky way of introducing married priests and female ordination.

Last night on EWTN’s “The World Over,” journalist Raymond Arroyo, Catholic author and commentator Robert Royal and canon lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray, who together form the “Papal Posse,” told host Raymond Arroyo that they have problems with the “Instrumentum Laboris” for these and other reasons. …..


US bishops follow Pope in calling death penalty ‘inadmissible,’ admit they don’t know what it means


BALTIMORE, Maryland, June 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. Bishops, following Pope Francis’ lead, voted last week to change what the U.S. Church teaches about the death penalty. They made the move despite an admission from the prelate presenting the revision to the bishops that he doesn’t know what the pope actually means by calling the death penalty “inadmissible.” That bishop defended the Pope’s language as “eloquent ambiguity.”

Adhering to Pope Francis’ declaration last August that the death penalty is “inadmissible,” the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a revision to its U.S. Catechism for Adults last Thursday at its spring General Assembly in Baltimore, creating a quandary for Catholics in regard to adherence to Church teaching…..

Why Thomas Aquinas believed the Eucharist is Jesus

Considering Natural Family Planning? A doctor answers 6 big questions

How I began to believe that the Eucharist really is Jesus


Cardinals, bishops who back women’s ordination secretly meet near Rome to prepare for Amazon synod

Amazonian SynodCatholicFemale PriestsWomen’s Ordination

Update June 26, 12:13 PM EST: Professor Thomas Schüller saysthat he was not present at the meeting. This report has been updated to reflect this. 

Update June 25, 9:46 PM EST: It appears that while Mrs. Doris Wagner- Reisinger’s name was on the invite list for the meeting, she did not attend the meeting. This report has been updated to reflect this. 

Update June 25, 12:20 PM EST: This report now includes a comment from Cardinal Schönborn’s spokesman who confirmed that the meeting took place and that the cardinal was not able to attend due to cancer treatments.

June 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of cardinals and bishops who are involved with the preparation of the Amazon synod and who back the abolishment of priestly celibacy and other progressivist positions contrary to perennial Catholic teaching are quietly meeting together near Rome in preparation for the upcoming synod, a well-placed source revealed to LifeSiteNews today.

Main participants invited to the meeting include cardinals Lorenzo Baldisseri, Claudio Hummes, Walter Kasper, Christoph Schönborn, Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, and Bishop Erwin Kräutler. Also present was Josef Sayer, a friend and counselor of Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga. Mrs. Doris Wagner- Reisinger – the former nun whose accusations against a Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith official was recently rejected by a Vatican court – was also invited to attend the meeting. …..


Amazon Synod’s overhaul of priestly celibacy will spread right to Germany

Amazonian SynodCatholicErwin KräutlerFritz LobingerGermanyPope FrancisPriesthoodWomen’s Ordination

June 20, 2019 (L’Espresso) — As of Monday June 17 the synod for the Amazon scheduled for this October in Rome has its “Instrumentum laboris,” the base document for discussions.

It runs to 59 dense pages, but these few lines from its paragraph 129 are enough to understand where Pope Francis wants to arrive:

Affirming that celibacy is a gift for the Church, it is requested that, for the remoter zones of the region, the possibility be studied of the priestly ordination of mature men, preferably indigenous, respected and accepted by their communities, even though they may already have an established and stable family, for the sake of guaranteeing the sacraments that accompany and sustain the Christian life……


Cardinal critiques Amazon synod working doc as ‘heretical…apostasy’, urges bishops to ‘reject’ it

Amazon SynodApostasyCatholicFemale PriestsHeresyInstrumentum LaborisWalter Brandmuller

June 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, (One of the DUBIA Cardinals) one of the two remaining dubia cardinals, today issued a strong critique of the Vatican’s working document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod, calling it “heretical” and an “apostasy” from Divine Revelation. He called upon Church leaders to “reject” it with “all decisiveness.”

“It is to be stated now with insistence that the Instrumentum Laboriscontradicts the binding teaching of the Church in decisive points and thus has to be qualified as heretical,” the 90-year-old German prelate wrote in a document (read below) that was published simultaneously by LifeSiteNews and Austrian news website …..…apostasy-urges-bishops-to-reject-it?

The REALLY BAD guts Exposed

Full list of participants in private pre-synod ‘study-meeting’ in Rome

Amazonian SynodPope FrancisWalter Kasper

ROME, June 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews)— LifeSiteNews has obtained the list of participants in a private and unannounced Pre-Amazonian Synod “study-meeting,” held at a gated hilltop convent on the outskirts of Rome this week.

A photograph of the full list of 30 participants, taken by this correspondent (see below), confirms that the three-day meeting included key German prelates and Vatican officials, some of whom support a relaxing in priestly celibacy in the Latin Church, and the idea of women priests. …..


Bishops: Teaching the truth of Christ needed to bring Catholics back to the Church

Alexander SampleCatholicHomosexualityJoseph StricklandRobert BarronSex Abuse CrisisUs BishopsUsccb19

BALTIMORE, Maryland, June 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — When the U.S. bishops’ Evangelization and Catechesis chair raised the issue at the bishops’ recent meeting of an ongoing mass exit of Catholics from the Church, numerous prelates expressed concern over the issue.

A few bishops voiced the need to return to the basic truth of the Church’s teaching, and one bishop drew attention to a departure from the basics of the Faith driving the fall into sexual sin by some clergy and also steering people away from the Church.

Speaking of the sex abuse crisis and the hemorrhaging of Catholics from the Church, especially young people, Tyler, Texas bishop Joseph Strickland said the one is connected to the other…….


Pope Francis sends German bishops 30-page letter, comments on their ‘synodal path’

German BishopsPope FrancisSynodal PathSynodality

June 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The radio station of the Archdiocese of Cologne, Domradio, is reporting today that the German bishops have just received – per hand delivery from Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, the papal nuncio – a letter from Pope Francis. In it, the Pope makes comments on the recently initiated German “synodal path” regarding topics such as the Church’s teaching on sexuality, celibacy, and the priesthood.

The letter came to the German bishops while they were gathered for their standing council meeting in Berlin, where the main bishops of the 27 German dioceses met in a confidential manner. Mathias Kopp, the speaker of the German Bishops’ Conference, confirmed that “there exists a letter from Pope Francis which will be published on 29 June 2019, at noon ……

Centuries ago, popes warned of modern Church crises as if they were alive today

Abu DhabiAmoris LaetitiaAthanasius SchneiderClement XiiiDeclaration Of TruthsMarriagePius ViiiPope FrancisRaymond BurkeSyllabus Of Errors

June 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The June 10, 2019, release of the “Declaration of the truths relating to some of the most common errors in the life of the Church of our time” signed by Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, and several other bishops — a veritable “New Syllabus of Errors,” or perhaps “Syllabus of New Errors” — put me in mind of the great papal magisterial documents of centuries past, when reigning pontiffs knew the difference between truth and falsehood, knew how to exalt the former and condemn the latter, and possessed sufficient courage and charity to spread these judgments far and wide among the clergy and faithful. I found myself digging back into my files of papal encyclicals, and was, as usual, impressed by my rediscoveries. Today I will share two of them.

How many have heard of Pope Pius VIII (Francesco Saverio Maria Felice Castiglioni, 1761–1830)? His reign was short, less than two years, but his encyclical letter Traditi Humilitati, published almost exactly 190 years ago, resounds with penetrating insight and fervor. Here he might as well be speaking about Abu Dhabi and the working document of the Amazon Synod


Motives for Atheism

David Carlin

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2019

Not all atheists are the same, and not all atheists are atheistic for the same reason.  But given the rise in unbelief among us, it’s useful to examine some of those reasons. So here is a list – in no particular order and doubtless incomplete – of some currently notable motives for atheism. Note, too, that an individual may simultaneously have more than one of these motives.

Unsuccessful search.  Some atheists honestly claim that they have examined many of the arguments for the existence of God that have been offered and have found them unconvincing.

Intellectual laziness.  Others dishonestly mimic the foregoing.  They claim to have examined the arguments for God’s existence and found them wanting. But they are lying.  These people are intellectually lazy.  They have done little or no examination of the many arguments.  But they are embarrassed to admit that.  So they tell themselves and others that their atheism has been honestly arrived at ……..


St Joseph, Dispenser of the Treasures of the Sacred Heart


What is interesting about this great feast is St. Joseph’s connection to it. Curiously, St. Joseph is addressed in many prayers as the “dispenser of the treasures of the Sacred Heart.” But what does this mean? Firstly, let us recall that the Heart of Jesus, the Incarnate Word, was nourished in Nazareth, in the loving daily life that Jesus shared with the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. With Mary, Joseph offered the Sacred Heart of Jesus—the source of mercy and love—all the love, honor, and adoration of his own heart. St. Peter Julian Eymard wrote that: ……

“NO DEBATE ON THIS  During the Democratic presidential debate, all 10 candidates were asked if they supported government-provided health insurance for illegal immigrants. All ten Democrats, including frontrunner Joe Biden, raised their hands. READ

Democratic candidates tout abortion credentials in first debate

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, said after the debate that “the abortion lobby has too much power within the Democratic Party…”

June 27, 2019 Catholic News Agency The Dispatch 7Print

Candidates are seen during the first official Democratic 2020 presidential primary debate in Miami June 26, 2019. Pictured are New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio; Julian Castro, former mayor of San Antonio, who is Catholic; U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey; U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas; U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota; U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii; Washington Gov. Jay Inslee; and former U.S. Rep. John Delaney of Maryland. (CNS photo/Mike Segar, Reuters)

Washington D.C., Jun 27, 2019 / 03:00 pm (CNA).- Taxpayer funding for abortions is a matter of “justice” for men and women Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro said during the first Democratic primary debate Wednesday.

Castro’s comments were echoed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who said that she does not support any restrictions on abortion, and wants to see the Roe v. Wade decision codified into federal law.

After acknowledging that every Democratic candidate on the debate stage June 26 was in favor of abortion rights, debate moderator Lester Holt asked Castro if, were he elected, abortion would be covered under a government-funded healthcare plan.

“Yes, it would,” said the former Department of Housing and Urban Development secretary.

Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow for The Catholic Association, an organization that promotes religious liberty, life, and the Church in the public square, was critical of Castro’s enthusiasm for taxpayer-funded abortion, and said it was a sign the party has been overrun by “abortion extremism.”

“By equating ‘reproductive justice’ with taxpayer funding of abortion, he reveals the party’s fundamental schism with Americans writ large on the issue,” said McGuire.

“Americans overwhelmingly oppose the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions, and yet Democrats are actively and aggressively working to undo legal barriers like the Hyde Amendment.

Bishop Barron offers free online course on evangelization

Bishop Robert Barron | Facebook | Fair Use

John Burger | Jun 27, 2019

Word on Fire offers course to help combat rise of “nones” in American society.

Bishop Robert Barron is offering a free online course on evangelization as part of an effort to respond to what he calls “the greatest challenge of our time,” the increasing number of people who have no religious affiliation.

“This problem is especially acute among the young,” says Bishop Barron in an introductory video for the course. “Upwards of 40% of those under 30 in our country now claim No Religion, and in fact the number’s worse among young Catholics, where it’s upwards of 50%,” for those under 20.

Instructors in the course are Word on Fire Fellows, including Leah Libresco, author of Arriving at Amen and Building the Benedict Option; Christopher Kaczor, author of The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church and Life Issues, Medical Choices, and Holly Ordway, author of Apologetics and the Christian Imagination: An Integrated Approach to Defending the Faith. The course includes lessons on reaching out to “the indifferent,” how the “nones” can misread the Bible, imaginative apologetics, and science for evangelists.

The course is part of a movement that Word on Fire is trying to get off the ground, centered on a Word on Fire Institute. That came about in response to a  request from some of the younger staffers at Word on Fire for some kind of religious community affiliated with the work.

“Young people were so committed to [the work of Word on Fire] that they really wanted it to be a whole style of life,” Bishop Barron said on the Word on Fire Show.

The first step of the process, Bishop Barron explained, is to form a community of evangelists who share the same mission and desire to proclaim Christ using beauty, goodness, and truth. “The critical task of training modern evangelists to effectively proclaim Christ to the culture is the primary motive behind the establishment of the new Word on Fire Institute,” said Bishop Barron, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

“We need a vast, well-formed army of evangelists,” says the director of the Institute, Jared Zimmerer, “who encourage one another, strive after a radical relationship with Christ through the sacraments, and leave their doorstep every single day ready to proclaim Christ in the culture.”

Those who join the Institute, for $27 a month, also will have free access to Word on Fire Digital, which includes all of Bishop Barron’s films, including his Catholicism series; public talks; recordings, and study materials.End Quotes

Discover the animating principles of the Word on Fire movement and the guiding lights of the Word on Fire Institute.

These 8 principles stem from the years of Bishop Robert Barron’s evangelical work and have been recognized as the foundational pillars of our spirituality of evangelization.


Jared Zimmerer holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary where he wrote his thesis entitled Thomas Merton’s Perspective of Asceticism as an Evangelical Strategy. He is an author, speaker, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, with a passion for the sports and fitness culture.

He spent four years as the Director of Adult Catechesis and Family Life at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish in Grapevine, Texas before joining the team at Word on Fire. He has written two books, The Ten Commandments of Lifting Weights and Man Up! Becoming the New Catholic Renaissance Man. Jared has appeared on EWTN and has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and podcasts.

I signed up for the course but have yet to hear from them.

Gospel Mt 7:21-29

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’
will enter the Kingdom of heaven,
but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day,
‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name?
Did we not drive out demons in your name?
Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’
Then I will declare to them solemnly,
‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them
will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

The rain fell, the floods came,
and the winds blew and buffeted the house.
But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.
And everyone who listens to these words of mine
but does not act on them
will be like a fool who built his house on sand.
The rain fell, the floods came,
and the winds blew and buffeted the house.
And it collapsed and was completely ruined.”

When Jesus finished these words,
the crowds were astonished at his teaching,
for he taught them as one having authority,
and not as their scribes.

And so friends another week has passed.

We made it to Florida, and are enjoying out time with our son; haven’t been fishing YET, but God willing that to will come. (MAYBE tomorrow!!!!!)

Pray very much, Satan is oh so very present in our lives.

With prayers and Blessings,






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I am an Informed and fully practicing Roman Catholic

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